About Us
The Board of Conservators was set up in 1893 and is regulated by the 1866 Metropolitan Commons and Metropolitan Commons (Banstead) Supplementary Act. There are eight members on the board, two appointed by the ‘owners of the soil’, which today is Reigate and Banstead Borough Council, and six elected by ‘the vestry of the Parish of Banstead’ which today is Reigate and Banstead Borough Council. Conservators serve a term of three years.
The election of new Conservators is managed by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council Democratic Services. The process commences in December and elections take place at the March Executive Meeting each year. If you would like to find out more about becoming a Conservator, please contact us.
Contact Us
Our Mission Statement
To protect and enhance Banstead Commons, ensuring the continuation of free and legal access for all.
Management Objectives
Our management objectives fall into two distinct categories. Firstly, those required by statute:
- – To maintain and protect the integrity of the Commons
- – To ensure the free, legal and safe access of all to the Commons
- – To provide safe and healthy working environment for employees.
Secondly, those related to the recognition of the Commons as important amenity and activity areas for local residents and visitors from farther afield, together with recognition of the diversity of flora and fauna in these areas:
- – To maintain and improve the Commons as an amenity for all
- – To maintain and improve the Commons as wildlife habitat.
Metropolitan Commons Act 1866 Metropolitan Commons (Banstead), Supplemental Act 1893 Commons Act 2006 ByelawsPolicies
BCC Memorial Bench Policy
Meet The Conservators
The Banstead Commons Conservators are a small group of elected and dedicated residents who give up their free time for the benefit of the Commons. They are passionate about safeguarding the future of the commons for the direct benefit of both residents and the local wildlife alike.
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