If you live in or near Banstead, you are never far from over 510 hectares (1300 acres) of richly diverse habitat on the Banstead Commons. This open access environment is maintained by Banstead Commons Conservators for the benefit of wildlife and the quiet enjoyment of local people.

We welcome anybody who would like to join us in the open air working on some light physical tasks such as scrub clearance, invasive species control, coppicing, bracken bashing and litter picking.  Work parties are held on the first Tuesday and third Wednesday and Thursday of each month.  The sessions start at 10am and finish around 2pm.   You don’t need to commit to regular sessions, sign up to our mailing list and you will be sent details of work party dates with their location and task and you can turn up on the day without registering in advance.

To find out more and join our mailing list, please complete the form by clicking the link below.

