Visiting the Commons
Banstead Commons are open for all to enjoy. We kindly ask that whatever activities you undertake, you do so within the law and with due consideration to other users and to the wildlife that inhabits the Commons.
The best way to do this is to follow The Countryside Code at all times.
Banstead Commons are protected by statute and there are a number of byelaws in place to conserve the landscapes and keep visitors safe. To read our byelaws, please click here.

The Countryside Code
Respect other people
- Leave gates and property as you find them
- Do not block access to gateways or driveways when parking
- Be nice, say hello, share the space
- Follow local signs and keep to marked paths unless wider access is available.
Protect the natural environment
- Leave no trace of your visit, take all your litter home
- Do not light fires and only have BBQs where signs say you can
- Always keep dogs under control and in sight
- Dog poo – bag it and bin it in any public waste bin or take it home
- Care for nature – do not cause damage or disturbance.
Enjoy the outdoors
- Check your route and local conditions
- Plan your adventure – know what to expect and what you can do
- Enjoy your visit, have fun, make a memory

Walking and dog walking
Walkers are free to roam the Commons, however, in the spring and early summer we ask that you keep to the mown paths to avoid disturbance to ground-nesting birds and other wildlife.
Banstead Commons Conservators welcome well-controlled dogs and their owners on Banstead Commons.
We ask that all dog walkers are considerate of other visitors and wildlife by adhering to the Banstead Commons Act and Byelaws, and by following our Dog Walkers Code of Conduct:
● Dogs must always be kept under control and should not approach other people, horses or dogs uninvited.
● Dogs with weak re-call should be kept on a lead at all times.
● Dogs must not be allowed to approach or chase, injure or kill any bird, livestock or other animal upon the Commons.
● Dogs should always have their paws on the paths during the bird nesting season (March 1st to Sept 15th).
● Exercise a maximum of four dogs at any one time and not walk with other dog walkers if the number of dogs together at any time exceeds six.
● Dog waste must be picked up, bagged and binned or taken home in all areas of the Commons.
● Dogs must be kept out of the ponds.
Please be aware that the Commons are owned by Reigate and Banstead Borough Council and as such the Conservators formally adopted the same Dog Control Orders as revised by the Council in 2024. Details of these can be found here.
Professional Dog Walkers operating on the Commons require a licence to operate, please click here for further information.
Thank you for your consideration and the continued respect given to Banstead Commons, their visitors and wildlife.

Horse riding and cycling
Riding is regulated on Banstead Commons. Horse riders and cyclists should behave with due care to walkers by not riding at speed. Cyclists are expected to give way to walkers and horse riders at all times. You can read our full riding regulations by clicking here.
Banstead Heath
With nearly 14km of public bridleways and more than 5.5km of permissive rides, the Heath is popular with both local and visiting horse riders. There are a number of stables either adjoining or close to the site making access safe. Permissive rides have been created to help keep horses and other users of the Heath separate helping to increase the safety of all. Where possible, a number of permissive rides have been created to offer alternative routes and enable horse riders to avoid roads.
Banstead Downs
Banstead Downs are crossed by a number of bridlepaths and permissive rides. Special care should be taken in the vicinity of the golf course to ensure both your own and the golfers safety.
Park Downs
There is a bridleway on Park Downs providing an alternative to the nearby roads.

Guided walks
Banstead Commons Conservators run a series of guided walks each year which are advertised on our social media pages and local community newsletters.
Click here for a list of this year’s events.
Download Our Guided Walks Programme
Organised activities
Organised activities on the Commons require the permission of the Conservators. If you are planning an event, such as sponsored walks orienteering, we ask that you contact us in advance so that we can review and authorise the request, and to ensure we are prepared.
Further information can be found on our planning an event page.
Click here