Riding regulations
These Regulations apply to both horse riding and cycling on Banstead Commons.
- No galloping or reckless riding.
- Riders/cyclists will at all times pay due care and consideration to other users of the Commons.
- Horse riding and cycling is only allowed on waymarked Public Bridleways and designated rides (Permissive Rides).
- Use of Permissive Rides is at the sole discretion of the Banstead Commons Conservators. The number and routes of Permissive Rides may be modified at any time. Notice of any changes will be displayed on the BCC Notice Boards, our website and at suitable locations on the rides themselves.
- These Regulations will be monitored by a number of Banstead Commons Conservators appointed Stewards, who will report to the Conservators.
These Regulations constitute a code for the best use of Banstead Commons by cyclists and horse riders.
A breach of this code could be evidence of an offence under Byelaws 13 and 19 of the Byelaws made on the 18th day of April 1894 under the Metropolitan Commons (Banstead) Supplemental Act, 1893.
The above Regulations were approved by the Banstead Commons Conservators at their meeting held on the 20th January 2001.