Practical Volunteer Update – October

30 September, 2024   Dear Volunteer, I hope this email finds you well  What terrible wet weather we’ve had over recent days, the temperature has also dropped, winter coats will be out soon Whilst Autumn and Winter are meant to be the seasons when we can carry out most of the habitat improvement work on the Commons, sometimes the weather can scupper our plans, especially when using agricultural machinery  Thankfully, weather...

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Pond Restoration on Banstead Heath

Banstead Heath has a network of nine ponds found across the site  Rich in biodiversity, they support many rare species that rely on an aquatic ecosystem to survive  These include many different types of invertebrates, like dragonflies and damsel flies, as well as the UK’s rarest amphibian, the Great Crested Newt In a recent ecological survey of the ponds on the Heath it was identified that all nine require - to a greater or lesser extent...

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Practical Volunteer Update – September

10th September, 2024   Dear Volunteer,   I hope this email finds you well and you are enjoying the sunshine, what a lovely treat!  Whilst it may still feel like summer this week, our butterfly recording season is drawing to a close and Autumn is in the air, especially in the evenings   Autumn and Winter are the seasons when we can carry out habitat improvement work on the Commons without work impacting...

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