Practical Volunteer Update – September

September 2024

10th September, 2024


Dear Volunteer,


I hope this email finds you well and you are enjoying the sunshine, what a lovely treat!  Whilst it may still feel like summer this week, our butterfly recording season is drawing to a close and Autumn is in the air, especially in the evenings.


Autumn and Winter are the seasons when we can carry out habitat improvement work on the Commons without work impacting wildlife.  Commencing in October, in addition to increasing our volunteer work parties from two to three sessions a month, we have some exciting plans ahead of us related to pond restoration work.  With thanks to the Surrey County Council Your Councillor Community Fund and the support of Rebecca Paul MP, we have been successful in obtaining a grant to restore three ponds on Banstead Heath, purchase volunteer tools and PPE to carry out pond improvements and install an interpretation board next to each of the ponds.   Look out for further information on the project on our website and social media pages.


You can view our Volunteer Autumn Winter Work programme by clicking here.  The document lists work party dates up until the end of December.


We’re still looking to increase our volunteer numbers, so please spread the word to friends, family and your via your networks.  There’s always variety to our tasks and plenty of biodiversity surprises to find on the Commons at all times of the year.  Common Lizards were spotted basking on the Heath on Tuesday 3 September during our work party.  I have a feeling we’ll be lucky and see them again – we are working on the same glade throughout September and it looks like the sun will be shining for us!


Hand tools, PPE and hot refreshments are provided on the day.   You don’t need to stay for the duration, you are very welcome to join us for a morning, afternoon or part of the session.  We normally stop for lunch at around 12.30pm so please bring a pack lunch with you if you plan to join us for the day.


Our Information and Safety Awareness Booklet can be found here – we ask that all new volunteers read through this booklet before volunteering with us.


Best Regards,



Clerk and General Manager