Pond Restoration on Banstead Heath

September 2024

Banstead Heath has a network of nine ponds found across the site.  Rich in biodiversity, they support many rare species that rely on an aquatic ecosystem to survive.  These include many different types of invertebrates, like dragonflies and damsel flies, as well as the UK’s rarest amphibian, the Great Crested Newt.

In a recent ecological survey of the ponds on the Heath it was identified that all nine require – to a greater or lesser extent – some level of management or restoration to enhance their value to wildlife and the local community.

Earlier this year, with the support of County Councillor Rebecca Paul MP and Your Fund Surrey, Banstead Commons Conservators were successful in receiving a community grant to enable us to complete some of the management recommendations identified in the survey.  This will allow us to fully deliver our Pond Restoration and Visitor Engagement Project on Banstead Heath.

Great Crested Newts recorded on Burgh Heath in 2024


We are extremely grateful to Rebecca and Surrey County Council for making it possible.  Our Pond Restoration and Visitor Engagement Project has three main objectives:

  1. 1. To restore three ponds on Banstead Heath to increase their biodiversity value for wildlife.


  1. 2. To purchase tools and equipment that will be used by staff and volunteers to carry out regular pond management on all nine ponds on the Heath and elsewhere on the Commons.


  1. 3. To improve visitor enjoyment of the Common by installing an interpretation board next to each restored pond and deliver public engagement activities to promote pond conservation.


The project started on 24th September and work will continue throughout Autumn and early Winter.   There might be some disruption to visitor access while machinery is present.  Temporary signage will be displayed on site to inform our users where the restoration work is being carried out.  If you notice an access route is closed, we kindly ask visitors to use a different path on the Common during this time to prevent any disruption to the work.

We will be keeping our followers up to date with news of the project as it progresses on social media.  For further information, please follow us on FacebookXInstagram and LinkedIn.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and understanding during the delivery of this exciting pond conservation project.


Frog spawn recorded at a pond on Banstead Heath earlier this year.